Friday, March 11, 2016

Day 5: Notes Nodal and Mesh Analysis/ Nodal Analysis Lab

Professor Mason starts the lecture by introducing a special case about nodal analysis and define the supernode.

The circuit illustrating the supernode, which encloses the voltage source connected two non-reference nodes and any element to connected parallel with it

The practice problem for the supernode analysis. In the picture the supernode is the green circle, which has a voltage source connecting two non-reference nodes.

Nodal Analysis Lab:

We do the pre-lab activity to calculate the V1=-2.36V and V2 =4.36V. 

The actual resistance of the resistors, consecutively, are 22k, 6.7k, 9.89k (unit:  Ohm), and we calculate V1 and V2 from the actual resisances. Then the percent errors %V1= 2.96%, %V2 = 1.6%.

The set-up following the schematic of the circuit. 

The measurement for the currents and voltages.

The records for the currents and voltages measured by DMM, V1=2.41V and V2=4.4V. The bottom of the table is the estimates for the voltage V1=2.43V and V2= 4.43V from the actual resistances. The measured and the expected values of V1 and V2 are slightly different with 0.8% adn 0.7%. Hence, we do the set-up and the lab well with the values of the measured and the expected 

Everycircuit and Mesh analysis:
The next class is about the everycircuit and a new circuit analysis method

The introduction about everycircuit application.

The practice problem for the mesh method.

Check the results by using the everycircuit

Professor introduce the matrix method to solve for unknown variables.

At the of the lecture, the professor review how to read the color code on the resistors.

This lecture is about the supernode and mesh analysis, as well as a quick review of reading the resistance of a resistor. Besides, the lab aims to help student verify the nodal analysis method. And we get the measured voltage in the expected results, so we do the experiment effectively.

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