Sunday, May 15, 2016

DAY 19: Sinusoids and Phasors

Today, we discuss about the sinusoids and phasors. We review some knowledge about trigonometry, then study about a method to simplify the calculation in RLC circuit with sinusoidal source. 

We review how to shift the sinusoidal wave, and a little bit review about angular frequency w (rad/s), cyclic frequency f(Hz), the phase. We also review some trigonometric identities.

we practice to add two sinusoidal sources, both in trig function and in graphically, We also apply the Law of cosine to find the unknown side of the triangle

We review about the polar coordinate, and the transformation between polar and Cartesian coordinate.  

Some properties when do algebra in the polar form.

We did some practice problems in the polar form.

We did other practice problems in the polar form.

Time-domain and Phasor-domain transformation

We did some practice problems in time and  phasor transformation

some more transformation of time and phasor domain.

We did a problem to practice transform phasor and time domain.

Definition of some new terminologies of gain and phase.

We spend most time studying about the phasor domain and application of it into RLC analysis. We did some practice problems to understand how to use this method effectively.  

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